DRAFT Proposed Time line
Louisville Sustainable Community and Business Networks Initiative
1) Sustainable Louisville 2007 Strategic Goal:
Strategic Plans Partnerships and Action in local sectors and regions for rapid transitions to sustainability.
2) Major Events
2.1) Expos
2.1.1) ( 4/18,19,20,21/07? ) Sustainable Louisville Earth Week Conference/Expo?
2.1.1) (4/20-21/07?) Sustainable Louisville Green and Local Expo?
2.1.2) (10/07?) Bluegrass Energy and Environment Green Living Expo
2.2) Earth Week Events
2.2.1) (4/14/07) Jeffersonville Riverfront
2.2.2) (4/22/07) Louisville Zoo
2.2.3) (4/18-21/07) Sustainable Louisville Earth Week Conference/Expo?
2.2.4) (4/21/07) Thunder
2.3) Derby Festival Events
2.3.1) (4/21/07) Thunder
2.3.2) ( 5/3//07) Pegasus Parade
2.3.4) (4/21 - 5/6/07) Other?
2.4) Partner Organization Major Events
2.5) Green and Local Directory and Green Maps Services Releases (First round, 4/07, Second round, 9/07)
2.7) Green and Local Strategic Plan Release (First round, 4/07)
2.8) Other
3) Regular Events
3.1) Monthly:Public Events (All tentative):
3.1.1) Sustainable Business, Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship Lecture and Organizing Series (Webster University and rotating to business and labor locations) (First Thursday of every month beginning 3/8/07)
3.1.2) Sustainable Development Lecture and Organizing Series (Urban design Studio) Second Wed of every month beginning March 14)
3.1.3) Sustainable Communications, Arts and Education Lecture and Organizing Series (Webster University, Community Schools) 3rd wed of month beginning 2/21/07)
3.1.4) Social Justice and Sustainability Lecture and Organizing Series (Spaulding University) (First Tuesday of every month, beginning March 6, 2007)
3.1.5) Sustainable Governance Lecture and Organizing Series (Adena Institute)
3.1.6) Sustainable Communities: Ecovillage and Neighborhoods Lecture and Organizing Series (Presbyterian Community Center)
3.1.7) Related: Louisville Sustainability Roundtable (First Wed of Month, Newburg Road)
4) Weekly or Biweekly Public Events:
4.1) Living Green Today Television and Media Series
4.2) Sustainable Louisville Indicators and Methods Research Seminar
4.3) Sustainability Certification Education Series (Permaculture, Green Building, Green Procurement, Sustainable Livelihoods, Green Production, Social Justice, Industrial Ecology, other tracks)
4.4) Spoken Word and Celebration Events collaboratives (Expressions of You, others)
5) Organizing and Strategic Visioning Events
6) Outreach Opportunities - Lectures, Meetings, Presentations
7) Regular Organizational Development and Fundraising Events
7.1) Monthly
7.1.2) Committee and subcommittee meetings
7.2) Weekly
Strategic Planning and coordination committees
7.3) Daily
7.3.1) Staff meetings
7.3.2) Coordinating Committee meetings
7.3.3) Production and Outreach Meetings
(revised v1.3) DRAFT Proposed Committee Structure Sustainable Community and Business Networks Organizing
Ad Hoc Sustainable Community and Business Networks Organizing Meeting: "Green and Local "
10 AM February 7, 2007
Board Room
Air Pollution Control District
DRAFT Proposed Committee Structure
(revision v1-3 -- thank you for revision notes from John Baker -- please feel free to post comments or revisions at the "comments" link below)
Please take a look at the committees below.
If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com
We are basically suggesting three committees to start with, which will build out as mission and activities become more defined.
1) "Sustainability Education" focusses on Green Expos, sustainability seminars, certifications and community media education and outreach.
2) "Member Services" supports the work of individuals and new and existing businesses and organizations in building coalitions and services to improve sustainability.
3) "Organizational Development" includes the Sustainable Networks steering and advisory committees and the planning and organizational support needed to carry out the sustainability education and services missions of the networks.
Committee Structure Detail (Proposed):
1.0) Sustainability Education Committee: Seminars and Events Series, Other Activities
1.1)Green Business Expo and Festival
1.1.1) Louisville Green and Local Festival
1.1.2) Bluegrass Energy and Green Living Festival
1.1.3) National Green Festivals
1.2) Earth Week Business Conference
1.3) Lecture and Seminar Series Co-sponsored with community networks:
1.3.1)Sustainable Business, Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship Lecture and Organizing Series Sustainability Human Resources and Management Sustainability and Labor Sustainability Training for Green Trades Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship - The Business Bottom Line: Opportunities and Challenges ....
1.3.2) Social Justice and Sustainability Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.3) Sustainable Governance Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.4) Sustainable Communities: Neighborhoods, Ecovillages and Cities Lecture
1.3.5) Permaculture Education and Certification Series
1.3.6) Sustainable Louisville Research Seminar
1.3.7) Sustainability Certification Education Series
1.3.8) Spoken Word and Celebration Events
1.4) Participation and support for other community events:
1.10.1) Earth Day Events
1.10.2) Pegasus Parade
1.10.3) Thunder
1.10.3 ) Webster University Blueprint For Success Series
1.5) Internal and community communications
1.11.1) PR: Weekly Alert, Monthly Newsletter, Press releases and related publishing
1.11.2) Weekly Green and Local Business Media Outreach
1.11.3) Continuing Education Media
1.11.4) Interactive, broadcast and networking platforms: Living Green Today Television and Media Series, etc
2.0) Member Services Committee
2.1) Sustainable Louisville Membership
2.2) Membership Intake and Development
2.3) Business Networks
(proposed shared membership network organizations and services cooperation includes, but is not limited to:
Bluegrass Energy and Environmental Expo, Appalachian Science in the Public Interest, Sustainable Business Networks, Co-op America, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, American Independent Business Association (Keep Louisville Weird), Procurement Management Association, Apollo Alliance, Co-Alliance of Businesses, Synergy Trade Exchange, etc.)
2.4) Green and Local Expo Membership
2.5) Green and Local Business Directory
2.6) Green and Local Marketplace Online cross listings
2.7) Green and Local Education and Certification Services
2.8) Green Maps
2.9) Combined Marketing and Media Campaigns
2.10) Combined Procurement Services
2.11) Green and Local Venture Services
2.12) Sustainable Community and Business Research Network
2.13) Member and Network Services Special Interest Groups:
2.13.1) Sustainable Business Media Campaigns; 2.13.2) Sustainable Business Neighborhoods Networks Campaigns; 2.13.3) Sustainable Business Association Networking; 2.13.4) Sustainable Livelihoods Collaboration; 2.13.4) Sustainable Louisville Education Collaboration Committee; 2.13.5) Sustainable Procurement and Transactions Committee; 2.13.6) Permaculture Working Group; 2.13.7) Sustainable Agriculture; 2.13.8) Industrial Ecology; 2.13.9) Sustainable Media and Design Centers Networks Task Force; 2.13.10) Sustainable Transportation Action Group; 2.13.11) Sustainable Indicators, Measures and Management Group; 2.13.12) Renewable Energy; 2.13.13) Green Building; 2.13.14) Buy Local Campaigns; 2.13.14) Sustainability and the Arts; 2.13....) SIG as needed
2.14) Networking and Reaching Out:
2.14.1) Local, Statewide and regional organizing and outreach
2.14.2 National and international organizing and outreach
3.0) Organizational Development Steering Committee
3.1) Organizational Development Strategy
3.2) Bylaw, Corporate Structure and Decision making
3.3) Inclusiveness and Equity, Environment, Social and Governance Practice
3.4) Human resources
3.5) Consortia relations
3.6) Finance and fundraising
3.7) Advisory Board
If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com
Thank you!
10 AM February 7, 2007
Board Room
Air Pollution Control District
DRAFT Proposed Committee Structure
(revision v1-3 -- thank you for revision notes from John Baker -- please feel free to post comments or revisions at the "comments" link below)
Please take a look at the committees below.
If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com
We are basically suggesting three committees to start with, which will build out as mission and activities become more defined.
1) "Sustainability Education" focusses on Green Expos, sustainability seminars, certifications and community media education and outreach.
2) "Member Services" supports the work of individuals and new and existing businesses and organizations in building coalitions and services to improve sustainability.
3) "Organizational Development" includes the Sustainable Networks steering and advisory committees and the planning and organizational support needed to carry out the sustainability education and services missions of the networks.
Committee Structure Detail (Proposed):
1.0) Sustainability Education Committee: Seminars and Events Series, Other Activities
1.1)Green Business Expo and Festival
1.1.1) Louisville Green and Local Festival
1.1.2) Bluegrass Energy and Green Living Festival
1.1.3) National Green Festivals
1.2) Earth Week Business Conference
1.3) Lecture and Seminar Series Co-sponsored with community networks:
1.3.1)Sustainable Business, Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship Lecture and Organizing Series Sustainability Human Resources and Management Sustainability and Labor Sustainability Training for Green Trades Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship - The Business Bottom Line: Opportunities and Challenges ....
1.3.2) Social Justice and Sustainability Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.3) Sustainable Governance Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.4) Sustainable Communities: Neighborhoods, Ecovillages and Cities Lecture
1.3.5) Permaculture Education and Certification Series
1.3.6) Sustainable Louisville Research Seminar
1.3.7) Sustainability Certification Education Series
1.3.8) Spoken Word and Celebration Events
1.4) Participation and support for other community events:
1.10.1) Earth Day Events
1.10.2) Pegasus Parade
1.10.3) Thunder
1.10.3 ) Webster University Blueprint For Success Series
1.5) Internal and community communications
1.11.1) PR: Weekly Alert, Monthly Newsletter, Press releases and related publishing
1.11.2) Weekly Green and Local Business Media Outreach
1.11.3) Continuing Education Media
1.11.4) Interactive, broadcast and networking platforms: Living Green Today Television and Media Series, etc
2.0) Member Services Committee
2.1) Sustainable Louisville Membership
2.2) Membership Intake and Development
2.3) Business Networks
(proposed shared membership network organizations and services cooperation includes, but is not limited to:
Bluegrass Energy and Environmental Expo, Appalachian Science in the Public Interest, Sustainable Business Networks, Co-op America, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, American Independent Business Association (Keep Louisville Weird), Procurement Management Association, Apollo Alliance, Co-Alliance of Businesses, Synergy Trade Exchange, etc.)
2.4) Green and Local Expo Membership
2.5) Green and Local Business Directory
2.6) Green and Local Marketplace Online cross listings
2.7) Green and Local Education and Certification Services
2.8) Green Maps
2.9) Combined Marketing and Media Campaigns
2.10) Combined Procurement Services
2.11) Green and Local Venture Services
2.12) Sustainable Community and Business Research Network
2.13) Member and Network Services Special Interest Groups:
2.13.1) Sustainable Business Media Campaigns; 2.13.2) Sustainable Business Neighborhoods Networks Campaigns; 2.13.3) Sustainable Business Association Networking; 2.13.4) Sustainable Livelihoods Collaboration; 2.13.4) Sustainable Louisville Education Collaboration Committee; 2.13.5) Sustainable Procurement and Transactions Committee; 2.13.6) Permaculture Working Group; 2.13.7) Sustainable Agriculture; 2.13.8) Industrial Ecology; 2.13.9) Sustainable Media and Design Centers Networks Task Force; 2.13.10) Sustainable Transportation Action Group; 2.13.11) Sustainable Indicators, Measures and Management Group; 2.13.12) Renewable Energy; 2.13.13) Green Building; 2.13.14) Buy Local Campaigns; 2.13.14) Sustainability and the Arts; 2.13....) SIG as needed
2.14) Networking and Reaching Out:
2.14.1) Local, Statewide and regional organizing and outreach
2.14.2 National and international organizing and outreach
3.0) Organizational Development Steering Committee
3.1) Organizational Development Strategy
3.2) Bylaw, Corporate Structure and Decision making
3.3) Inclusiveness and Equity, Environment, Social and Governance Practice
3.4) Human resources
3.5) Consortia relations
3.6) Finance and fundraising
3.7) Advisory Board
If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com
Thank you!
Earth Day: How to Participate in Party for the Planet at the Louisville Zoo
Louisville Zoo Earth Day 2007
For more information:
Exhibitor Application
Please read the participation guidelines before completing the application!
Sunday, April 22, 2007 at the Louisville Zoo—12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
Phone Day: Evenings: Fax:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
E-mail Address: Website:
Title of Exhibit:
Please give a brief description of your organization and how it reflects the Earth Day message:
Free exhibit space is limited to non-profit organizations. If you are a for-profit company the booth fee is $500.00. Please indicate the status of your organization:
Non-profit [501(c)3]: Tax ID# Other:
For-profit, enclosed is my check for $500.00 made payable to The Louisville Zoo, Earth Day Celebration 2007
Returning this Application
Exhibitor space will be distributed on a first come first serve basis and is limited! The Louisville Zoo reserves the right to review and approve applications, displays, exhibits, giveaways, and literature for appropriate content and in accordance with Zoo policies and procedures. This application must be returned no later than March 1, 2007.
Please mail, fax or e-mail this completed application (and check if applicable) to:
Earth Day 2007 c/o Courtney Clare
The Louisville Zoo Fax:
P.O. Box 37250 Courtney.Clare@louisvilleky.gov
Louisville, KY 40233
Exhibitor Information
Display Information. Please describe the information, product or service you will be exhibiting at Earth Day 2007. Please list any giveaways or include a sample. (Use an extra sheet, if necessary.)
Electricity. Will your exhibit require electricity? (110 volts only) ☠â˜
How many outlets will you need?
The need for electricity will determine your booth or table location. You MUST provide the following information about your electrical equipment:
Equipment Type Power (Amps/Volts)
3. Other. Do you have any other special needs? ☠â˜
If “YESâ€, please describe:
Site Location Assignment
The booths will be grouped along the Louisville Zoo pedestrian path. Booth locations will be assigned according to the order in which completed applications are received. While we will try to assign booths based on specific preferences, prime booth locations will be assigned to early applicants.
Questions? Please call: ext. 362
Booth size is 10’ x 6’, which includes:
One 6’ banquet table
Two chairs
Tent Coverage is available at an additional charge: $40 per space
Enclose check made out to the Louisville Zoo with application
You may supply your own pop-up tent (10’ x 6’) YES☠NOâ˜
Exhibitors paying the $500 sponsorship fee receive tent coverage at no cost.
Signage-8 1/2†x 11â€
Please indicate exactly what your sign should read: (Please print clearly):
Additional space may be available based on the number of exhibitors. Sponsorship of larger display areas is available for an additional charge. Please call Terri Lenahan-Downs at the Louisville Zoo for sponsorship opportunities., X330.
Louisville Zoo Earth Day 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007 at the Louisville Zoo—12 p.m. to 4. p.m.
These guidelines are in accordance with the Louisville Zoo Special Event Rules and Regulations. The Louisville Zoo reserves the right to review and approve applications, displays, exhibits, giveaways and literature for appropriate content and in accordance with Zoo policies and procedures.
Set-up Date and Hours: Sunday, April 22 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Check in will be at set up times listed above. To find your location please check at the main entrance with a zoo guest services staff member. If you would like to arrange earlier set up please contact a member of the events staff.
All set up should be complete before noon on Sunday, April 22.
Access to the exhibit area will be through the main gate on Trevilian Way.
Please observe the “NO PARKING†signs posted along Illinois Avenue and surrounding neighborhood streets. The Louisville Police Department will issue citations to violators.
Booth size is 10’ x 6’. We will try to accommodate everyone with the number of tables, chairs, and electrical outlets requested.
Restrooms (including handicapped units) are located throughout the Zoo.
Name of exhibitor will be on the tables at each booth. You are welcome to arrange tables in your booth according to your display. Booths cannot be relocated.
Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own extension cords.
Exhibitors may not attach any materials (e.g., ropes, tape, and wire) to any permanent Zoo buildings, trees, fences, lights, etc.
Bring carts, wagons, dollies, etc. necessary to transport your equipment and booth material from the parking lot to your booth. No vehicles will be allowed to drive or transport on Zoo grounds on Earth Day, please do not ask for transportation to your booth, as we are not able to accommodate this request.
Food and beverages may be purchased at Zoo concession stands throughout the day. You are welcome to bring your own cooler and beverages.
Signs and banners at your booth or table should reflect the spirit of Earth Day.
Also in the spirit of Celebrating the Earth, exhibitors should strive to be as trash free as possible. Exhibitors are responsible for disposing of or removing their own trash.
No balloons, straws, toothpicks or suckers with sticks are permitted on Zoo premises
In the spirit of Earth Day, we are discouraging any give-aways. The Louisville Zoo must approve any item that you plan to distribute at the event. Please provide a sample of the item you plan to give away with your application or complete description.
All exhibitors must abide by the Louisville Zoo’s Participation Guidelines.
If you have any special needs, please call:
Courtney Clare
Special Events Coordinator
The Louisville Zoo
PO Box 37250
Louisville, KY
, ext. 362
Louisville Zoo Earth Day 2007
For more information:
Exhibitor Application
Please read the participation guidelines before completing the application!
Sunday, April 22, 2007 at the Louisville Zoo—12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
Phone Day: Evenings: Fax:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
E-mail Address: Website:
Title of Exhibit:
Please give a brief description of your organization and how it reflects the Earth Day message:
Free exhibit space is limited to non-profit organizations. If you are a for-profit company the booth fee is $500.00. Please indicate the status of your organization:
Non-profit [501(c)3]: Tax ID# Other:
For-profit, enclosed is my check for $500.00 made payable to The Louisville Zoo, Earth Day Celebration 2007
Returning this Application
Exhibitor space will be distributed on a first come first serve basis and is limited! The Louisville Zoo reserves the right to review and approve applications, displays, exhibits, giveaways, and literature for appropriate content and in accordance with Zoo policies and procedures. This application must be returned no later than March 1, 2007.
Please mail, fax or e-mail this completed application (and check if applicable) to:
Earth Day 2007 c/o Courtney Clare
The Louisville Zoo Fax:
P.O. Box 37250 Courtney.Clare@louisvilleky.gov
Louisville, KY 40233
Exhibitor Information
Display Information. Please describe the information, product or service you will be exhibiting at Earth Day 2007. Please list any giveaways or include a sample. (Use an extra sheet, if necessary.)
Electricity. Will your exhibit require electricity? (110 volts only) ☠â˜
How many outlets will you need?
The need for electricity will determine your booth or table location. You MUST provide the following information about your electrical equipment:
Equipment Type Power (Amps/Volts)
3. Other. Do you have any other special needs? ☠â˜
If “YESâ€, please describe:
Site Location Assignment
The booths will be grouped along the Louisville Zoo pedestrian path. Booth locations will be assigned according to the order in which completed applications are received. While we will try to assign booths based on specific preferences, prime booth locations will be assigned to early applicants.
Questions? Please call: ext. 362
Booth size is 10’ x 6’, which includes:
One 6’ banquet table
Two chairs
Tent Coverage is available at an additional charge: $40 per space
Enclose check made out to the Louisville Zoo with application
You may supply your own pop-up tent (10’ x 6’) YES☠NOâ˜
Exhibitors paying the $500 sponsorship fee receive tent coverage at no cost.
Signage-8 1/2†x 11â€
Please indicate exactly what your sign should read: (Please print clearly):
Additional space may be available based on the number of exhibitors. Sponsorship of larger display areas is available for an additional charge. Please call Terri Lenahan-Downs at the Louisville Zoo for sponsorship opportunities., X330.
Louisville Zoo Earth Day 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007 at the Louisville Zoo—12 p.m. to 4. p.m.
These guidelines are in accordance with the Louisville Zoo Special Event Rules and Regulations. The Louisville Zoo reserves the right to review and approve applications, displays, exhibits, giveaways and literature for appropriate content and in accordance with Zoo policies and procedures.
Set-up Date and Hours: Sunday, April 22 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Check in will be at set up times listed above. To find your location please check at the main entrance with a zoo guest services staff member. If you would like to arrange earlier set up please contact a member of the events staff.
All set up should be complete before noon on Sunday, April 22.
Access to the exhibit area will be through the main gate on Trevilian Way.
Please observe the “NO PARKING†signs posted along Illinois Avenue and surrounding neighborhood streets. The Louisville Police Department will issue citations to violators.
Booth size is 10’ x 6’. We will try to accommodate everyone with the number of tables, chairs, and electrical outlets requested.
Restrooms (including handicapped units) are located throughout the Zoo.
Name of exhibitor will be on the tables at each booth. You are welcome to arrange tables in your booth according to your display. Booths cannot be relocated.
Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own extension cords.
Exhibitors may not attach any materials (e.g., ropes, tape, and wire) to any permanent Zoo buildings, trees, fences, lights, etc.
Bring carts, wagons, dollies, etc. necessary to transport your equipment and booth material from the parking lot to your booth. No vehicles will be allowed to drive or transport on Zoo grounds on Earth Day, please do not ask for transportation to your booth, as we are not able to accommodate this request.
Food and beverages may be purchased at Zoo concession stands throughout the day. You are welcome to bring your own cooler and beverages.
Signs and banners at your booth or table should reflect the spirit of Earth Day.
Also in the spirit of Celebrating the Earth, exhibitors should strive to be as trash free as possible. Exhibitors are responsible for disposing of or removing their own trash.
No balloons, straws, toothpicks or suckers with sticks are permitted on Zoo premises
In the spirit of Earth Day, we are discouraging any give-aways. The Louisville Zoo must approve any item that you plan to distribute at the event. Please provide a sample of the item you plan to give away with your application or complete description.
All exhibitors must abide by the Louisville Zoo’s Participation Guidelines.
If you have any special needs, please call:
Courtney Clare
Special Events Coordinator
The Louisville Zoo
PO Box 37250
Louisville, KY
, ext. 362
Minutes from 1/10/07 Ad Hoc Sustainable Louisville Expo and Education Networking Meeting
Dear Meeting Attendees and Interested Folks,
See Attached meeting notes from 1/10 meeting. A second meeting has tentatively been set for Feb 7th AM, and you will be contacted about it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you for the great turnout at the Meeting this past Wednesday and thanks for the many offers of time and resources to help get the project off the ground. I am confident that a gathering of some sort will come out of it this spring and that it will mushroom into something impactful over the next few years.
My role as jump-starter is done and I will be turning the bulk of the communicating-organizing over to you KYanians and Ed Sweeney will be the liaison between us for Lexington . Thanks for your interest in taking on this project and I look forward to collaborating with many of you to make both Lexington & Louisville greener and expanding the influence of our projects throughout the state, region and even nation if we are so blessed.
Keep up the good work,
Ben B. Perry - Coordinator
Bluegrass Energy & Green Living Expo/Directory
P O Box 22580
Lexington, KY
Office Phone/Fax -
Cell -
Email - benperry@a-spi.org
Website - www.bluegrassenergyexpo.org
1/10/07 Louisville Expo Meeting Notes
The Meeting began at about 10:35 AM and concluded about 12:15 PM.
Following is a list of attendees (that signed in), along with their affiliation, Email and the actions or resources they offered to move the project forward.(see meeting notes below)
Ed Sweeney (Lexington) - Recently Retired, eds102@hotmail.com
- Volunteer Liason between Lex and Lou, Brown-Forman contact
Ben Perry (Lexington) - Bluegrass Expo/Directory coordinator, benperry@a-spi.org
- Consult with Lou committee (through Ed) and attend meetings as needed
Steve Casals (Lexington) - One World Art Center, stephen@oneworldartcenter.com
- Music-art activities, printing & other help from Employment Solutions
David Silverman- Adena/Communicas, davidsilverman@iglou.com
- Interim Organizer/committed participant, media coordination
David Wicks- JCPS, David.Wicks@jefferson.kyschools.us
- 40 x 60 tent, State Fair Energy Exhibit components, access to JCPS resources
Michelle Stites- APCD, michelle.stites@louisville.gov
- Educational Exhibit w “Claira?â€, meeting room, Admin support
Marty Hanka- GoodOil Diesel Conversions, goodoilboys@aol.com
- Workshop, vehicles for parades-events
Ron Waterbury- GSA-FM, rwaterbury@louisvilleky.gov
Frank Schwartz & Walter Lay- Project Warm, frank@ + walter@projectwarm.org
- Workshop + help recruiting sponsors
David Coyte- CART, dcoyte@juno.com
- Workshop + Contact Russ Barnett at UofL and others
George Perkins- Lou Peak Oil Group, gg_perk@bellsouth.net
- Workshop-Exhibit, recruit volunteers
Wallace McMullen, Joan Lindop- Sierra Club mcmulw@bellsouth.net +
jlindop@gmail.com – Energy/Global Warming focus
Cass Harris- LouMetro/Partnership, cass.harris@louisvilleky.gov
- Needs to know more about target audience, inclusion policy, etc
Jeremy Coxon- SunWind Power Systems, jcoxon@sunwindpowerinc.com
- Workshop, help with biz aspects, + contact Creative Energy & Southern IN folks
Odell Henderson- Lou Metro Gov, odell.henderson@louisvilleky.gov
- Electric mail car for parades-events
Peggy Kidwell- CART/Lou Peak Oil, PeggyJoe@yahoo.com
– Volunteer/tabling, Pedi-Cabs for event transportation
Emma Kuhl- Energy Pros, emma@theenergypros.net – Give/host workshops,
1) Ben presented and reviewed a Quick Facts sheet on the Bluegrass Energy & Green
Living Expo and an agenda for the meeting.
2) Possible Event Ideas/Collaborations
a) Annual Events - Spring in Lou / Fall in Lex w/ active collaboration
- Pre-Derby – Louisville Zoo, Thunder Over Lou & Falls of Ohio Earth Day
- David Wicks/JCPS can provide tent
- EVs, biofuel cars in Derby Festival Parade
b) Partner w Forecastle – Joan Lindop (Sierra Club above) organizer/contact
3) Discussion of Elements Necessary for a Successful Event
Possible Host Organization(s)
– 501(c)3 Orgs - KY Institute for the Environment & Sustainable Development
(UofL- Russ Barnett), KAIRE,
Committed partner Bizs-Orgs providing funds, skills, manpower, Etc
- Legacy Homes (Mark Isaacs) was mentioned
Other Resource Bizs/Orgs
Local/KY– Non-Profit Service Center, US Green Building Council-KY Chapter,
AMEBA?-Keep Louisville Weird
National - BALLE, Relocalize.net, Coop America/Green Pages
- It was felt that Spring was better than Fall, however, most felt that Spring 2007 was too soon for a Bluegrass-type Expo. Earth week 2007 was when several members wanted to kick off the project with a well-done, smaller-scale event possibly using the JCPS tent and associated with Earth Day or a pre-derby event (see below for specifics). - A full-scale Expo could be done in spring of 2008
- 1 or more person(s) willing to stand for event a work 10-20 hrs/wk 6-12 months out and 20-40 hrs/wk 0-6 months out (+ a good intern or two ideally)
- Persons to recruit vendors, sponsors, workshop presenters, volunteers, etc
- Maybe Existing Org or Biz could pay someone x days/wk/mo to organize Expo
- At Expo – 100+ volunteers + Key personnel to work the door and organize
vendors, educational exhibits, workshops, children’s activities, art and music
Steering Committee
- 5 or more committed persons representing skills such as logistics, marketing, education, organizing, communications, etc
- Jeremy Coxon called for the committee to draft a mission statement and
timeline as soon as is practicable
- The 1st Bluegrass Expo began with $20,000 seed funds and has had $10-15,000 committed in advance in years 2 & 3
- Governor’s Office of Energy Policy & Humana Future Fund (Dan Jones) were mentioned as possibilities, along with a host Org kicking in $5,000 -10,000 ideally
- Location with large spaces for vendors-exhibits, small spaces for workshops &
outdoor space for solar, wind, agriculture, vehicles and other demos
- Possibilities - Downtown & fairgrounds convention centers, Mellwood Center (green building elements), Southern IN fairgrounds
4) Closing Notes
- David Silverman was voted as Interim Organizer pending recruitment of a Host Organization. Next Meeting is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Feb 7 at the same place and David will communicate with the group and coordinate the meeting.
See Attached meeting notes from 1/10 meeting. A second meeting has tentatively been set for Feb 7th AM, and you will be contacted about it in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you for the great turnout at the Meeting this past Wednesday and thanks for the many offers of time and resources to help get the project off the ground. I am confident that a gathering of some sort will come out of it this spring and that it will mushroom into something impactful over the next few years.
My role as jump-starter is done and I will be turning the bulk of the communicating-organizing over to you KYanians and Ed Sweeney will be the liaison between us for Lexington . Thanks for your interest in taking on this project and I look forward to collaborating with many of you to make both Lexington & Louisville greener and expanding the influence of our projects throughout the state, region and even nation if we are so blessed.
Keep up the good work,
Ben B. Perry - Coordinator
Bluegrass Energy & Green Living Expo/Directory
P O Box 22580
Lexington, KY
Office Phone/Fax -
Cell -
Email - benperry@a-spi.org
Website - www.bluegrassenergyexpo.org
1/10/07 Louisville Expo Meeting Notes
The Meeting began at about 10:35 AM and concluded about 12:15 PM.
Following is a list of attendees (that signed in), along with their affiliation, Email and the actions or resources they offered to move the project forward.(see meeting notes below)
Ed Sweeney (Lexington) - Recently Retired, eds102@hotmail.com
- Volunteer Liason between Lex and Lou, Brown-Forman contact
Ben Perry (Lexington) - Bluegrass Expo/Directory coordinator, benperry@a-spi.org
- Consult with Lou committee (through Ed) and attend meetings as needed
Steve Casals (Lexington) - One World Art Center, stephen@oneworldartcenter.com
- Music-art activities, printing & other help from Employment Solutions
David Silverman- Adena/Communicas, davidsilverman@iglou.com
- Interim Organizer/committed participant, media coordination
David Wicks- JCPS, David.Wicks@jefferson.kyschools.us
- 40 x 60 tent, State Fair Energy Exhibit components, access to JCPS resources
Michelle Stites- APCD, michelle.stites@louisville.gov
- Educational Exhibit w “Claira?â€, meeting room, Admin support
Marty Hanka- GoodOil Diesel Conversions, goodoilboys@aol.com
- Workshop, vehicles for parades-events
Ron Waterbury- GSA-FM, rwaterbury@louisvilleky.gov
Frank Schwartz & Walter Lay- Project Warm, frank@ + walter@projectwarm.org
- Workshop + help recruiting sponsors
David Coyte- CART, dcoyte@juno.com
- Workshop + Contact Russ Barnett at UofL and others
George Perkins- Lou Peak Oil Group, gg_perk@bellsouth.net
- Workshop-Exhibit, recruit volunteers
Wallace McMullen, Joan Lindop- Sierra Club mcmulw@bellsouth.net +
jlindop@gmail.com – Energy/Global Warming focus
Cass Harris- LouMetro/Partnership, cass.harris@louisvilleky.gov
- Needs to know more about target audience, inclusion policy, etc
Jeremy Coxon- SunWind Power Systems, jcoxon@sunwindpowerinc.com
- Workshop, help with biz aspects, + contact Creative Energy & Southern IN folks
Odell Henderson- Lou Metro Gov, odell.henderson@louisvilleky.gov
- Electric mail car for parades-events
Peggy Kidwell- CART/Lou Peak Oil, PeggyJoe@yahoo.com
– Volunteer/tabling, Pedi-Cabs for event transportation
Emma Kuhl- Energy Pros, emma@theenergypros.net – Give/host workshops,
1) Ben presented and reviewed a Quick Facts sheet on the Bluegrass Energy & Green
Living Expo and an agenda for the meeting.
2) Possible Event Ideas/Collaborations
a) Annual Events - Spring in Lou / Fall in Lex w/ active collaboration
- Pre-Derby – Louisville Zoo, Thunder Over Lou & Falls of Ohio Earth Day
- David Wicks/JCPS can provide tent
- EVs, biofuel cars in Derby Festival Parade
b) Partner w Forecastle – Joan Lindop (Sierra Club above) organizer/contact
3) Discussion of Elements Necessary for a Successful Event
Possible Host Organization(s)
– 501(c)3 Orgs - KY Institute for the Environment & Sustainable Development
(UofL- Russ Barnett), KAIRE,
Committed partner Bizs-Orgs providing funds, skills, manpower, Etc
- Legacy Homes (Mark Isaacs) was mentioned
Other Resource Bizs/Orgs
Local/KY– Non-Profit Service Center, US Green Building Council-KY Chapter,
AMEBA?-Keep Louisville Weird
National - BALLE, Relocalize.net, Coop America/Green Pages
- It was felt that Spring was better than Fall, however, most felt that Spring 2007 was too soon for a Bluegrass-type Expo. Earth week 2007 was when several members wanted to kick off the project with a well-done, smaller-scale event possibly using the JCPS tent and associated with Earth Day or a pre-derby event (see below for specifics). - A full-scale Expo could be done in spring of 2008
- 1 or more person(s) willing to stand for event a work 10-20 hrs/wk 6-12 months out and 20-40 hrs/wk 0-6 months out (+ a good intern or two ideally)
- Persons to recruit vendors, sponsors, workshop presenters, volunteers, etc
- Maybe Existing Org or Biz could pay someone x days/wk/mo to organize Expo
- At Expo – 100+ volunteers + Key personnel to work the door and organize
vendors, educational exhibits, workshops, children’s activities, art and music
Steering Committee
- 5 or more committed persons representing skills such as logistics, marketing, education, organizing, communications, etc
- Jeremy Coxon called for the committee to draft a mission statement and
timeline as soon as is practicable
- The 1st Bluegrass Expo began with $20,000 seed funds and has had $10-15,000 committed in advance in years 2 & 3
- Governor’s Office of Energy Policy & Humana Future Fund (Dan Jones) were mentioned as possibilities, along with a host Org kicking in $5,000 -10,000 ideally
- Location with large spaces for vendors-exhibits, small spaces for workshops &
outdoor space for solar, wind, agriculture, vehicles and other demos
- Possibilities - Downtown & fairgrounds convention centers, Mellwood Center (green building elements), Southern IN fairgrounds
4) Closing Notes
- David Silverman was voted as Interim Organizer pending recruitment of a Host Organization. Next Meeting is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Feb 7 at the same place and David will communicate with the group and coordinate the meeting.
Join the Parade! You're Invited to Join in the "Green Magic" for Pegasus Parade
Several community groups are excited about entering a "Green Magic" float and parade unit for the Pegasus Parade this year!
At the Jan Ad Hoc Sustainable Louisville Expo and Education meeting, discussion centered around the possibility of entering a contingent of green powered vehicles ( grease, biodiesel, electric, pedicabs, hybrid, lightrail, bicycle and solar powered vehicles were all offered, along with many creative ideas for a "green magic" float.
The Derby Festival Pegasus Parade staff advised participants on parade guidelines, and several artists and organizations have laid the groundwork for a "Green Magic" entry.
We'll be posting the DRAFT Pegasus Parade entry here shortly. The DEADLINE for this years entry is Tuesday, February 6, so this submission is being entered with the understanding that there may be revisions to follow.
Please take a look and add your comments ASAP!
We've invited representatives of the Derby Festival to the February 7 Sustainable Louisville meeting. For more information on the Pegasus Parade and the entry process please take a look at the information page:
Pegasus Parade
Pegasus Parade
At the Jan Ad Hoc Sustainable Louisville Expo and Education meeting, discussion centered around the possibility of entering a contingent of green powered vehicles ( grease, biodiesel, electric, pedicabs, hybrid, lightrail, bicycle and solar powered vehicles were all offered, along with many creative ideas for a "green magic" float.
The Derby Festival Pegasus Parade staff advised participants on parade guidelines, and several artists and organizations have laid the groundwork for a "Green Magic" entry.
We'll be posting the DRAFT Pegasus Parade entry here shortly. The DEADLINE for this years entry is Tuesday, February 6, so this submission is being entered with the understanding that there may be revisions to follow.
Please take a look and add your comments ASAP!
We've invited representatives of the Derby Festival to the February 7 Sustainable Louisville meeting. For more information on the Pegasus Parade and the entry process please take a look at the information page:
Pegasus Parade
DRAFT Pegasus Parade Application
2007 Pegasus Parade Entry
Sustainable Louisville
“ Green Magic! “

“Green Magic” evokes the power of nature and the promise of a green future for our community. Green Magic! is the name for the Sustainable Louisville float and specialty unit entries for the 2007 Pegasus Parade.

Sustainable Louisville is a network in formation which networks community organizations and businesses helping to “Green“ Louisville by sponsoring educational expos and community events. The focus of the networks is on environmental education for the community.
“Green Magic” evokes the living earth, from the magic of nature to the promise of green technologies. Our entry to this years Pegasus parade includes alternative fuel vehicles, nature themes and colors, and the mythology of green magic drawn from the many cultures of Louisville.
The Green Magic unit consists of a caravan of dazzlingly decorated green-power vehicles, an entourage of green magicians and a float with magical animals, wizards, woods and wonders, all presided over once again by the power of the Imagination, in the figure of the beloved galapalooza Pegasus icon, “Imagine.”
Green Magic Float Entry:
“Green Magic” rises from Magic Dragon and Butterfly across the Rainbow Forest to the Mountain of the Laughing Sun and the Gaian Moon.
Surrounded by clowns and characters from the world myths of nature, Green Magic celebrates the magic of nature, our community’s sustainable future and the wonder of our environment.
Float Design:
Parade Configuration
Fully assembled state: 45 feet long x 20 ft wide x 18 ft high extended, 13 ft high retracted.
Ground clearance for rigid structure: 14 inches. Noon-rigid structure: (Tinsel, streamers, Fringe, skirt) i1-6 inchs.
Tow Unit TARC Hybrid Bus decorated in concert with the theme: Green Magic Butterflies and Dragons Bus pulls the main float unit. Bus dimensions: 40 ft x 132 inches by 103 inches.
Float walkers and all persons traveling the Parade route with the float will be costumed consistent with the theme of the float (see below).
Colors: The primary color is green, but a rainbow of colors will be employed on float, vehicles and in costumes in keeping with the Green Magic theme.
Music: World Beat music, dancing rhythms and themes from the magical traditions of the many cultures of Louisville.
Costumes: Four basic design themes for costumes:
1) Animals and Plants: Endangered of the World and Native to the Ohio Valley
2) Wizards, Magicians, Sprites and Faeries
3) Nature Myths and Characters of the World: Pegasus, Gaia, Green Man, Merlin, Kokopelli, Coyote, Crow, ,Robin Hood, Reynard the Fox, Anansi, Heyoka, Tezcatlipoca, Hermes, Jesters and more 4) Green Magic Leaders of Louisville and “Post-modern Sprites” : Farmers, Chefs, Students, Teachers, Recyclers Mechanics, Homebuilders, Scientists, Nurses, Busdrivers, Artists, Merchants, Salespeople, and more
Vehicle designs: Vehicles will be painted and decorated consistent with the Green Magic theme, from simple blue and green and rainbow trimmings to elaborate landscape murals to magical butterflies, overarching rainbows and plant hangings on the bus/tow vehicle and float.
Performance Routines include:
Illusions and stagecraft designed and MC’d by members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians;
Dance routines based in World Beat performance traditions of each of the mythic costumed characters;
Reinhabitory Theater based performance for animals and plant characters;
Clown and related performance routines for sprites, fairy and other humorous characters;
And “in character” pantomime for community leader characters.
Number of participants: 30 Age range of all participants: 15 - 70

“Green Magic” Specialty Unit Entry:
The Green Magic unit consists of a caravan of dazzlingly decorated green-power vehicles, an entourage of green magicians following a float with magical animals, wizards, woods and wonders, all presided over once again by the power of the Imagination, in the figure of the beloved galapalooza Pegasus icon, “Imagine.”
Colors: The primary color is green, but a rainbow of colors will be employed on float, vehicles and in costumes in keeping with the Green Magic theme.
Music: World Beat music, dancing rhythms and themes from the magical traditions of the many cultures of Louisville.
Costumes: Four basic design themes for costumes:
1) Animals and Plants: Endangered of the World and Native to the Ohio Valley
2) Wizards, Magicians, Sprites and Faeries
3) Nature Myths of the World: Pegasus, Gaia, Green Man, Merlin, Kokopelli, Coyote, Crow, Anansi, Reynard the fox, Robin Hood, Heyoka, Tezcatlipoca, Hermes, Jesters, and more.
4) Green Magic Leaders of Louisville: Farmers, Chefs, Students, Teachers, Recyclers Mechanics, Homebuilders, Scientists, Nurses, Busdrivers, Artists, Merchants, Salespeople, and more
Vehicle designs: Vehicles will be painted and decorated consistent with the Green Magic theme, from simple green and rainbow trimmings to elaborate landscape murals, overarching rainbows and plant hangings on the bus/tow vehicle and float.
Performance Routines include:
Illusions and stagecraft designed and MC’d by members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians;
Dance routines based in World Beat performance traditions of each of the mythic costumed characters;
Reinhabitory Theater based performance for animals and plant characters;
Clown and related performance routines for sprites, fairy and other humorous characters;
And “in character” pantomime for community leader characters.
Number of participants: 30 Age range of all participants: 15 - 70
How many vehicles will be in the parade?_8_________
Please list the following for each vehicle participating in the Parade
Note: Additional vehicle dimensions information will follow shortly.
Type: Model Height Length: Width: Total Riders
Example: Truck Ford 8 Feet 12 feet 7 feet 3
1. Ford EDGE Hybrid 13 x 5 x 6
2. SUV Ford PU Grease conversion 15 x 5 x 6
3. Pedicab 9 x 4 x 5
4. Pedicab 9 x 4 x 5
5. Recumbant bicycle 7 x 3 x 2
6 Recumbant Bicycle 7 x 3 x 2
7. Electric - Louisville City fleet 8 x 4 x 4
8. Electric - Louisville City fleet 8 x 4 x 4
Diagram your unit formation on map below: NOTE: Diagram represents Broadway from curb to curb with six (6) lanes of traffic; overall available width for your unit is 45 feet; four (4) lanes of traffic.
Draw and “X” for each WALKER and a “• ” for each VEHICLE in the parade configuration
South Broadway
spectators spectators spectators spectators
Lane 1 ---x --------x----------x---------x--------------x--- 1
xxxx . x x . . x
Lane 2 ---x -- --xx----------------------------------x---x-------2
x . . xx
Lane 3 ---x ----xx------------------------------------x---x----- 3
xxxx . x x . . x
Lane 4 ---x --------x----------x---------x--------------x------- 4
spectators spectators spectators spectators
North Broadway
Parade Movement Down Broadway ••••••••••••••••Î
Unit Length feet; Unit Width feet; Unit Height feet
L = 90 ft MAX, W = 40, H = 6 ft
List all banners & advertising your unit will be displaying on the parade route:
Green Magic
Party for the Planet
Keep Louisville Weird
Natures Magic
Green Futures
Bio Fuel
Electric Vehicle
Sustainable Louisville
Environmental Education
List recent performances or appearances/dates/awards/honors, etc.:
“Imagination,” the Earth Pegasus of Galapalooza, has appeared twice in recent years in the Pegasus Parade and is this year being supported for entry by the Artist, Amanda Mathews Fields.
Elements of the float and vehicle design have been displayed at the Kentucky State Fair and Bluegrass Energy and Green Living Expo.
Various of the vehicles have appeared in parades and displays in several states and in articles and media documentaries.
Images Follow.
Additional paper Copies including images of Costuming and Hybrid Bus Vehicle makeover as Magic dragon will follow in printed appendix.
Please see appendices of print costumes and additional images.
â One recent color photograph
â A recent VHS/DVD of a performance by your Specialty Unit
â Any letters of recommendation you wish to send
â Any other supplemental information
Please label all items with Specialty Units name. APPLICATION IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF ACCEPTANCE
Once approved, any change in a unit’s original application must be approved by the Kentucky Derby Festival. Failure to secure prior approval will result in the removal of the variance or the entire unit from the parade route.
The participant is responsible for ensuring that the use of any theme does not violate the copyright, service mark, trademark or intellectual property of others.

Sustainable Louisville
“ Green Magic! “

“Green Magic” evokes the power of nature and the promise of a green future for our community. Green Magic! is the name for the Sustainable Louisville float and specialty unit entries for the 2007 Pegasus Parade.

Sustainable Louisville is a network in formation which networks community organizations and businesses helping to “Green“ Louisville by sponsoring educational expos and community events. The focus of the networks is on environmental education for the community.


Green Magic Float Entry:
“Green Magic” rises from Magic Dragon and Butterfly across the Rainbow Forest to the Mountain of the Laughing Sun and the Gaian Moon.
Surrounded by clowns and characters from the world myths of nature, Green Magic celebrates the magic of nature, our community’s sustainable future and the wonder of our environment.
Float Design:
Parade Configuration
Fully assembled state: 45 feet long x 20 ft wide x 18 ft high extended, 13 ft high retracted.
Ground clearance for rigid structure: 14 inches. Noon-rigid structure: (Tinsel, streamers, Fringe, skirt) i1-6 inchs.
Tow Unit TARC Hybrid Bus decorated in concert with the theme: Green Magic Butterflies and Dragons Bus pulls the main float unit. Bus dimensions: 40 ft x 132 inches by 103 inches.

Float walkers and all persons traveling the Parade route with the float will be costumed consistent with the theme of the float (see below).
Colors: The primary color is green, but a rainbow of colors will be employed on float, vehicles and in costumes in keeping with the Green Magic theme.
Music: World Beat music, dancing rhythms and themes from the magical traditions of the many cultures of Louisville.
Costumes: Four basic design themes for costumes:
1) Animals and Plants: Endangered of the World and Native to the Ohio Valley
2) Wizards, Magicians, Sprites and Faeries
3) Nature Myths and Characters of the World: Pegasus, Gaia, Green Man, Merlin, Kokopelli, Coyote, Crow, ,Robin Hood, Reynard the Fox, Anansi, Heyoka, Tezcatlipoca, Hermes, Jesters and more 4) Green Magic Leaders of Louisville and “Post-modern Sprites” : Farmers, Chefs, Students, Teachers, Recyclers Mechanics, Homebuilders, Scientists, Nurses, Busdrivers, Artists, Merchants, Salespeople, and more
Vehicle designs: Vehicles will be painted and decorated consistent with the Green Magic theme, from simple blue and green and rainbow trimmings to elaborate landscape murals to magical butterflies, overarching rainbows and plant hangings on the bus/tow vehicle and float.
Performance Routines include:
Illusions and stagecraft designed and MC’d by members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians;
Dance routines based in World Beat performance traditions of each of the mythic costumed characters;
Reinhabitory Theater based performance for animals and plant characters;
Clown and related performance routines for sprites, fairy and other humorous characters;
And “in character” pantomime for community leader characters.
Number of participants: 30 Age range of all participants: 15 - 70

“Green Magic” Specialty Unit Entry:
The Green Magic unit consists of a caravan of dazzlingly decorated green-power vehicles, an entourage of green magicians following a float with magical animals, wizards, woods and wonders, all presided over once again by the power of the Imagination, in the figure of the beloved galapalooza Pegasus icon, “Imagine.”
Colors: The primary color is green, but a rainbow of colors will be employed on float, vehicles and in costumes in keeping with the Green Magic theme.
Music: World Beat music, dancing rhythms and themes from the magical traditions of the many cultures of Louisville.
Costumes: Four basic design themes for costumes:
1) Animals and Plants: Endangered of the World and Native to the Ohio Valley
2) Wizards, Magicians, Sprites and Faeries
3) Nature Myths of the World: Pegasus, Gaia, Green Man, Merlin, Kokopelli, Coyote, Crow, Anansi, Reynard the fox, Robin Hood, Heyoka, Tezcatlipoca, Hermes, Jesters, and more.
4) Green Magic Leaders of Louisville: Farmers, Chefs, Students, Teachers, Recyclers Mechanics, Homebuilders, Scientists, Nurses, Busdrivers, Artists, Merchants, Salespeople, and more
Vehicle designs: Vehicles will be painted and decorated consistent with the Green Magic theme, from simple green and rainbow trimmings to elaborate landscape murals, overarching rainbows and plant hangings on the bus/tow vehicle and float.
Performance Routines include:
Illusions and stagecraft designed and MC’d by members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians;
Dance routines based in World Beat performance traditions of each of the mythic costumed characters;
Reinhabitory Theater based performance for animals and plant characters;
Clown and related performance routines for sprites, fairy and other humorous characters;
And “in character” pantomime for community leader characters.
Number of participants: 30 Age range of all participants: 15 - 70
How many vehicles will be in the parade?_8_________
Please list the following for each vehicle participating in the Parade
Note: Additional vehicle dimensions information will follow shortly.
Type: Model Height Length: Width: Total Riders
Example: Truck Ford 8 Feet 12 feet 7 feet 3
1. Ford EDGE Hybrid 13 x 5 x 6
2. SUV Ford PU Grease conversion 15 x 5 x 6
3. Pedicab 9 x 4 x 5
4. Pedicab 9 x 4 x 5
5. Recumbant bicycle 7 x 3 x 2
6 Recumbant Bicycle 7 x 3 x 2
7. Electric - Louisville City fleet 8 x 4 x 4
8. Electric - Louisville City fleet 8 x 4 x 4
Diagram your unit formation on map below: NOTE: Diagram represents Broadway from curb to curb with six (6) lanes of traffic; overall available width for your unit is 45 feet; four (4) lanes of traffic.
Draw and “X” for each WALKER and a “• ” for each VEHICLE in the parade configuration
South Broadway
spectators spectators spectators spectators
Lane 1 ---x --------x----------x---------x--------------x--- 1
xxxx . x x . . x
Lane 2 ---x -- --xx----------------------------------x---x-------2
x . . xx
Lane 3 ---x ----xx------------------------------------x---x----- 3
xxxx . x x . . x
Lane 4 ---x --------x----------x---------x--------------x------- 4
spectators spectators spectators spectators
North Broadway
Parade Movement Down Broadway ••••••••••••••••Î
Unit Length feet; Unit Width feet; Unit Height feet
L = 90 ft MAX, W = 40, H = 6 ft
List all banners & advertising your unit will be displaying on the parade route:
Green Magic
Party for the Planet
Keep Louisville Weird
Natures Magic
Green Futures
Bio Fuel
Electric Vehicle
Sustainable Louisville
Environmental Education
List recent performances or appearances/dates/awards/honors, etc.:
“Imagination,” the Earth Pegasus of Galapalooza, has appeared twice in recent years in the Pegasus Parade and is this year being supported for entry by the Artist, Amanda Mathews Fields.
Elements of the float and vehicle design have been displayed at the Kentucky State Fair and Bluegrass Energy and Green Living Expo.
Various of the vehicles have appeared in parades and displays in several states and in articles and media documentaries.
Images Follow.
Additional paper Copies including images of Costuming and Hybrid Bus Vehicle makeover as Magic dragon will follow in printed appendix.
Please see appendices of print costumes and additional images.
â One recent color photograph
â A recent VHS/DVD of a performance by your Specialty Unit
â Any letters of recommendation you wish to send
â Any other supplemental information
Please label all items with Specialty Units name. APPLICATION IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF ACCEPTANCE
Once approved, any change in a unit’s original application must be approved by the Kentucky Derby Festival. Failure to secure prior approval will result in the removal of the variance or the entire unit from the parade route.
The participant is responsible for ensuring that the use of any theme does not violate the copyright, service mark, trademark or intellectual property of others.
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