(revised v1.3) DRAFT Proposed Committee Structure Sustainable Community and Business Networks Organizing

Ad Hoc Sustainable Community and Business Networks Organizing Meeting: "Green and Local "

10 AM February 7, 2007
Board Room
Air Pollution Control District

DRAFT Proposed Committee Structure
(revision v1-3 -- thank you for revision notes from John Baker -- please feel free to post comments or revisions at the "comments" link below)

Please take a look at the committees below.

If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com

We are basically suggesting three committees to start with, which will build out as mission and activities become more defined.

1) "Sustainability Education" focusses on Green Expos, sustainability seminars, certifications and community media education and outreach.

2) "Member Services" supports the work of individuals and new and existing businesses and organizations in building coalitions and services to improve sustainability.

3) "Organizational Development" includes the Sustainable Networks steering and advisory committees and the planning and organizational support needed to carry out the sustainability education and services missions of the networks.

Committee Structure Detail (Proposed):

1.0) Sustainability Education Committee: Seminars and Events Series, Other Activities
1.1)Green Business Expo and Festival
1.1.1) Louisville Green and Local Festival
1.1.2) Bluegrass Energy and Green Living Festival
1.1.3) National Green Festivals
1.2) Earth Week Business Conference
1.3) Lecture and Seminar Series Co-sponsored with community networks:
1.3.1)Sustainable Business, Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship Lecture and Organizing Series Sustainability Human Resources and Management Sustainability and Labor Sustainability Training for Green Trades Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship - The Business Bottom Line: Opportunities and Challenges ....
1.3.2) Social Justice and Sustainability Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.3) Sustainable Governance Lecture and Organizing Series
1.3.4) Sustainable Communities: Neighborhoods, Ecovillages and Cities Lecture
1.3.5) Permaculture Education and Certification Series
1.3.6) Sustainable Louisville Research Seminar
1.3.7) Sustainability Certification Education Series
1.3.8) Spoken Word and Celebration Events
1.4) Participation and support for other community events:
1.10.1) Earth Day Events
1.10.2) Pegasus Parade
1.10.3) Thunder
1.10.3 ) Webster University Blueprint For Success Series
1.5) Internal and community communications
1.11.1) PR: Weekly Alert, Monthly Newsletter, Press releases and related publishing
1.11.2) Weekly Green and Local Business Media Outreach
1.11.3) Continuing Education Media
1.11.4) Interactive, broadcast and networking platforms: Living Green Today Television and Media Series, etc

2.0) Member Services Committee
2.1) Sustainable Louisville Membership
2.2) Membership Intake and Development
2.3) Business Networks
(proposed shared membership network organizations and services cooperation includes, but is not limited to:
Bluegrass Energy and Environmental Expo, Appalachian Science in the Public Interest, Sustainable Business Networks, Co-op America, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, American Independent Business Association (Keep Louisville Weird), Procurement Management Association, Apollo Alliance, Co-Alliance of Businesses, Synergy Trade Exchange, etc.)
2.4) Green and Local Expo Membership
2.5) Green and Local Business Directory
2.6) Green and Local Marketplace Online cross listings
2.7) Green and Local Education and Certification Services
2.8) Green Maps
2.9) Combined Marketing and Media Campaigns
2.10) Combined Procurement Services
2.11) Green and Local Venture Services
2.12) Sustainable Community and Business Research Network
2.13) Member and Network Services Special Interest Groups:
2.13.1) Sustainable Business Media Campaigns; 2.13.2) Sustainable Business Neighborhoods Networks Campaigns; 2.13.3) Sustainable Business Association Networking; 2.13.4) Sustainable Livelihoods Collaboration; 2.13.4) Sustainable Louisville Education Collaboration Committee; 2.13.5) Sustainable Procurement and Transactions Committee; 2.13.6) Permaculture Working Group; 2.13.7) Sustainable Agriculture; 2.13.8) Industrial Ecology; 2.13.9) Sustainable Media and Design Centers Networks Task Force; 2.13.10) Sustainable Transportation Action Group; 2.13.11) Sustainable Indicators, Measures and Management Group; 2.13.12) Renewable Energy; 2.13.13) Green Building; 2.13.14) Buy Local Campaigns; 2.13.14) Sustainability and the Arts; 2.13....) SIG as needed
2.14) Networking and Reaching Out:
2.14.1) Local, Statewide and regional organizing and outreach
2.14.2 National and international organizing and outreach

3.0) Organizational Development Steering Committee
3.1) Organizational Development Strategy
3.2) Bylaw, Corporate Structure and Decision making
3.3) Inclusiveness and Equity, Environment, Social and Governance Practice
3.4) Human resources
3.5) Consortia relations
3.6) Finance and fundraising
3.7) Advisory Board

If you'd like to participate in any of the activities described, please add your name and interest to the "Comments" link below, or email: communitybiz@iglou.com
Thank you!

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