SBN 2003 Workshop: From Living Wage to Living Economy:

From Living Wage to Living Economy:
Sustainable Business Networks and Sustainable Community Economic Development

Participants: Approximately 100 local leaders participated in the 2003 Bioneers Satellite Conference in Louisville, KY Local labor, business, economic development, environmental, neighborhood and academic leaders met to learn and collaborate on positive solutions for sustainability. The founding workshop for the Sustainable Business Networks initiative focussed on how to create viable partnerships for sustainable economic development.

Michele Craig, President, Transite; Chair, Frankfort Avenue Business Association, Co-Chair, Co-Alliance of Businesses, former Aveda National Manager

Tom Lambert, Economist, University of Louisville Center for Environmental Management and Saint Catherine College Department of Economics.

David Silverman, Adena Institute, Sustainable Business Networks project, Former Project Director, White House Inter-Agency Working Group on Sustainability Communities Projects

Chris Cogswell, Principal, FMG, Representative of Progressive Asset Management.

James Johnson, Jobs With Justice, People's Agenda, former County Councilman

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